Privacy Statement

It's Your Data. Keep It That Way.

A new law in the European Union (EU) strengthens data privacy for consumers.

Beginning May 25, 2018, the EU's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives EU consumers more control over how their personal data is handled. In the spirit of, and in compliance with, GDPR, we want you to know what personal data we collect, and what we do — and don't do — with it.

What Kind of Data We Collect

Distribution Zone is only interested in data that helps us deliver valued products and services to our customers and suppliers. This includes:

Your name, address, email address and phone numbers. All payment information is handled by Opayo, formerly Sage Pay. No transactional card information is held by us.

What We Don't Do With Data

We have and never will sell or trade any customer or supplier information to any marketers or any other parties for any reason.

What We Do With Data We Collect

Our primary goal is to safeguard the data that businesses and consumers allow us to use. We use our customers personal data to make sure they receive important product information, updates and special promotions.

If you have any questions or wish to have any Personal Information edited or deleted, please e-mail